Container Line

Series LTO-Bandcontainer
Long-term safeguarding implemented clearly and reliably. High packing densities clearly and safely organized.
Long-term safeguarding implemented clearly and reliably. High packing densities clearly and safely organized.
In many IT areas, tiered backup concepts are used. LTO tape drives are used as part of the long-term backup. Suitable storage conditions are required to store large quantities of LTO tapes securely and in accordance with the system. The IT-Compact – LTO tape container fulfills all criteria for IT infrastructure from the outset. Our solution is complemented by suitable shelving. Appropriately marked archiving locations simplify a clear as well as fast storage and removal of the tapes. Depending on customer requirements, this series can also be upgraded with proven technology and components from our modular system.

The LTO bandcontainer
- Container height approx. 3100 mm, wall thickness 100 mm
- 4 shelves for LTO tapes (102 x 106 x 21,5 mm)
- per shelf 21 shelves on top of each other (angle approx. 120 x 60 x 3 mm)
- length of shelf 2200 mm for approx. 100 tapes
- Dehumidifier
- Heating / cooling
- Entrance door RC2, optional up to RC4
- Monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, water detector)
- Option access control
- Fire protection class F30 / F90